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Send viewpoint: Insurance Times Big Question

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Published on:19th August 2021
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The question of how the insurance industry can marry new technology with human touch has been answered in the September edition of Insurance Times “Big Question” feature.

Our Chief Technology Officer, Matt McGrillis shared his views alongside a host of industry leaders to consider how we can drive innovation without overlooking the hard-won skills and technical expertise of experienced underwriters.

According to Matt:

“The best underwriters use a highly sophisticated blend of their years of experience, deep professional judgement and carefully crafted skill in addition to available technologies to make assessments on some of the world’s most complex risks, particularly in commercial and specialty lines.”

We firmly believe that the best technology complements, rather than replaces underwriters, providing the tools and advanced insights to allow them to make even more accurate and informed risk decisions.

Click here to read the full article on the Insurance Times website (subscription required).

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