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Transforming Send, transforming insurance

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Published on:24th November 2020
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If you’re reading this you’ll have noticed that things look a little different around here. We hope you’ve noticed anyway!

We’ve recently undergone a full rebrand including a new identity, website and supporting brand toolkit, with the help of Better

We felt it was about time that we established an identity that reflects our story and the core of who we are. The result is a complete brand overhaul that establishes our personality and presence, while raising awareness around our unique combination of composable platform, time-served industry knowledge and open-minded collaboration.   

We wanted something that reflected our position as intelligent disruptors with the expertise of an established industry-leader. While it was crucial our look and feel remained in the corporate world of insurance, we didn’t want to lose our down to earth personality or exciting ingenuity that sets us apart from the rest. It ultimately needed to look intriguing, exciting and something completely fresh for the insurtech sector.

Send Logo

Alongside a wider brand world including a refreshed colour palette, new icons for each component, and headline and supporting fonts, we’ve introduced a new logo and wordmark that touches on our composable solution and agile outlook. The cornerstone of our brand is a flowing brand device that reflects our modular platform, flexible approach and core brand purpose. This fluid composition represents the agile nature of how the Send Insurance Platform works; constantly adapting and changing to fit the shape of a business and their needs. For versatility it’s also been rendered in white for occasions when it’s not possible to use on a black background.

Send Composable Fluid - Modular

The verbal side of our brand has also been refined which has directly informed our visual look and feel. Our brand story aligns our present and future, while bringing together key characteristics, personality traits and points of difference. Our tone of voice has also been developed along with key messages designed for our specific target audiences. 

Aside from reflecting our recent growth and unique make-up, the rebrand has helped us strategically position our platform and pricing model for the future and beyond. We hope you like it as much as we do.

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