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Smart Submission

Transform the way your business views submissions.

Increase your submission-to-quote ratio

We recognise that organising submission data is critical to the success of your underwriting process.

What once was a messy and time-consuming process will feel effortless, with automated submission data and improved underwriting performance.

From the insertion of customer-defined rules to automatically identifying the appropriate SLA - Smart Submission provies the insurance expertise and workflows to support this.

A single platform for open market and delegated business that provides a standardised view of risk exposure in real-time.


Give your teams a real-time view of the Smart Submission shared inbox.

Extract data from multiple formats to create submissions with unstructured data.

Submissions can be created automatically with little to no rekeying.

A triage board provides your teams with a view to efficiently triage and manage submissions.

Advanced rules can be created to determine appetite and other business preferences.

Set your SLAs and logic to thelp your teams manage submission timing and prioritisation.

Send partners with best-in-class data ingestion technologies and we continue to expand our library of integrated vendors.


Submission inbox

As soon as a new submission is received, our generative AI tools will review the content within the email and attached documents to intelligently assist the creation of your submission.

Submission triage

Users can toggle easily between the inbox and triage board to review submissions where required.

Submissions are enriched and marked as either high, medium or low priority - these are automated rules set by you that help pre-determine the priority of the submission.

Depending on how confident you are with the data you are receiving, this can also help you automate declines.

Data enrichment

Smart submission will extract and auto-populate or suggest data that has been extracted during the pre-processing.

We use data services to work behind the scenes to enrich your submission data.

These data services include a wide range of integrations that can be aligned with your requirements.

Risk creation

Once you have the data required to create the risk, submissions can be created directly to your Underwriting Workbench or your platform of choice.

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